Invitation fra EUIPO til at søge om midler til oplysningstiltag om IPR

Publiceret 19-06-2019

Deadline for at søge er den 2. juli 2019.

EUIPO skirver:

EUIPO has published a call for proposals aimed at supporting awareness-raising initiatives on the value of intellectual property (IP), and on the damage caused by infringements. This call (GR/001/19) follows the first one which was published in 2015 awarding 11 projects and the second one in 2017, awarding 19 projects. It aims to increase knowledge and to engage priority audiences to develop respect for IP, with a view to ultimately change people’s behaviour by reducing their purchase of counterfeits and their access of digital content from illegal sources.

This 2019 call for proposals is aligned with the awareness approach developed by the EUIPO and focused on awareness of consumers and especially youngsters and children in academic environments as identified in the Observatory work programme for 2019.

The specific objectives of the call are to:

  • Increase knowledge of the value of IP as a tool to protect creativity and innovation by providing concrete and objective information about IP in this context and increasing awareness of the damage caused by IP rights infringements;
  • Engage priority audiences regarding these issues, taking into account relevant leverage possibilities and especially how audiences expect to be addressed on these matters (non-patronising, objective and neutral) with a view to changing behaviour, reducing the appeal of counterfeiting and piracy.

The Office targets three defined audiences: i) children at schools; ii) current or future teachers/academic experts/youth educators; iii) citizens/consumers, especially young people (15-24 years). Applicants should explain how they intend to measure the results of their action and which target audience they aim to reach.

Applicants are invited to submit projects for any of the two lots identified below:

  • Lot 1: Reaching children and teachers/future teachers through educational activities in academic and non-academic learning environments.
  • Lot 2: reaching consumers/citizens and especially young people.

The total amount of support available will be EUR 1,000,000.

The deadline for submission is 2/07/2019 before 13.00 (CET time).

You can find more information here.

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