Rapporten er udgivet i fællesskab af Europa-Kommissionens Generaldirektorat for Beskatning og Toldunion (DG TAXUD) og EUIPO. Den er baseret på tal leveret af politi, told og markedsovervågningsmyndigheder i 2023.
Rapporten konkluderer bl.a. at:
”Over 152 million counterfeit articles were detained in 2023, at the EU border and the EU internal market altogether, with an estimated retail value of approximately EUR 3.4 billion. This represents a 77 % increase in terms of counterfeit articles detained (86 million in 2022) and a 68 % increase (EUR 2 billion) in terms of estimated overall value of the counterfeit goods detained in the EU for 2023 compared to 2022."
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